====================================================================== MJ12EURO.TXT - "MJ-12 - THE EUROPEAN CONNECTIONS" - by Henry Azadehdel, Ph.D. 'Yerevan' 24 Prestwood Dr. Aspley Park, Nottingham NG8 3LY, ENGLAND Telephone: 0602-292187 ====================================================================== NOTE: Spelling errors below have not been corrected. The file you see is how I have received it. - Tom Mickus 11/2/89 ====================================================================== MJ-12 - THE EUROPEAN CONNECTIONS ---------------------------------- Initially the MJ12 papers were sent to Mr. Shandera in an envelope, post marked Albuquerquee, as undeveloped 35mm film. Later on Moore published them. Their publication caused a great deal of surprise mixed with doubts and anxiety in UFO circles worldwide. Some admitted them without any questions to be authentic, some did not. There was some preliminary work done with regards to their authenticity and the saga still continues today. What is important in this event is that Mr. Moore's ex-colleague or colleague, Stanton Friedman is commissioned to carry out further research on these documents. The funds are provided to him by the Fund For UFO Research and MUFON, so I am told. The role of the funding organizations in itself is raising some questions. One might ask why? For example, at the time when Moore was busy discrediting Paul Bennewitz for obvious reasons, Bruce Maccabee was following similar track, suggesting indirectly, thru his own so called independent inquiry, more or less what Moore was implying. This is quite obvious in Maccabee's correspondence with MacCampell. (Some copies of these correspondence are in my possession). Bill Cooper and few others had openly expressed their suspicion about Mr. Moore's conducts. Cooper's invitation from the last MUFON symposium was withdrawn and Moore allowed in. I would be surprised if anything but a smoke screen would come out from this so called investigation into the authenticity and origin of MJ12 papers from this current research. This is yet another close-shop approach by two American UFO groups who work very closely with each other and hardly ever allow any other even volunteer organization to participate in their operations. This I can say with absolute certainty and reason. At the time when the Gulf Breeze case surfaced and again these two organizations were involved to the degree of monopolization of the case, CUFOS's effort was responded with utmost venom. My own inquiry at that time as one of their own consultants (MUFON) to have some of these photographs analysed was severely rejected by Walt Andrus. And even today I am not aware of anybody else who managed to study those Gulf Breeze photographs but Bruce Maccabee from FUFOR, who was recently awarded I think 5000 US Dollars by MUFON. I might be carrying some poison in my pen but please do not forget what is mentioned here is actually happened and is not a hypothecy. It is like foxes mediating the wolf for devouring the lamb. But, even more important is the European connection of this entire bizarre affair. What I am about to say is what I am told in person by the person concerned, and the confirmation is also documented on video tape in another occasion in relation to this topic. Mr. Tim Good has said to me personally and in a recent UFO conference, held by the Yorkshire UFO Society in September this year (1989), where he was a guest speaker that, he received his MJ12 papers from a CIA source independently in US. He went on saying that he is pleased to say that he was the first person to publish them. When I questioned him personally in another occasion prior to this conference few months ago, he said that his source is still an active CIA member, middle aged. Was he referring to Mr. Moore then? Did he know THEN, that Mr. Moore is an active agent and yet despite all his claims to reveal the COVER UPS he was actually covering him up? If this is the case why, what interest does he have in all this? Or, he was talking to me about yet another CIA agent? At some stage prior to publishing his MJ12 papers in his book 'Above Top Secret', Mr. Good travelled to USA to see Moore and compare his documents of MJ12 with Moore's. Yet, what is more intriguing is that Good's published papers, whilst taking into consideration his claim to be the first to publish, and Moore's are the same. Moore apparently admitted to have tampered the MJ12 documents for reasons unknown. The next question is, what is Mr. Good's role in all this? When I put this question to Mr. Good, he replied that, Moore published his papers initially as I did, later on he decided to make some alterations. (Private conversation, the author and Mr. Good, Sep.23, 1989). This I can not accept because once a so called document/s published, the latter altered or shortened version could easily be spotted and compared with the initial publication. There are two important points which would underline my reasoning. One, we should not forget that Mr. Good's 'Above Top Secret' book had a world wide distribution, hence if there were any differences with Moore's version, both parties would have been subjected to inquiries about their anomalies. Two, only recently Moore admitted tampering the documents, and before that no one had noticed any differences. If Mr. Good was aware of this tampering, as a conscincious researcher, why he never mentioned anything about it to UFO community to safeguard the public's interest? Or, was it that he was influenced by Mr. Moore in his facts finding trip? Or, was it a joint decision by both parties to publish the documents as they were published in Mr. Good's book and by Mr. Moore, after, may be they both tampered the papers? In a written letter to me by CIA, dated 07 MAR 1989, in connection to my inquiry about MJ12, they say "CIA review of a 'Majestic 12', Majic 12' or MJ 12 - there are variations among the requesters, package has been requested by a number of persons worldwide. Only one part of that package as submitted to us was purported to be a CIA document; it was a poorly done photocopied fabrication. We cannot identify any CIA equities in any of the other material, and it is not our function to determine who does have equities therein" it goes on saying "Unfortunately, as you may know, there have been numerous hoaxes perpetrated over the years in the field of UFO investigation; photocopiers and carbon copies make this process relatively simple." Bearing CIA's reply in mind, if Mr. Good claims that his papers were sent to him by an active CIA agent, then I think, his so called agent has some answering to make, and it is a bad time to divert part of this inquiry towards Mr. Good. Surely, if he knows his source, as he has admitted to me, he should be able to get some questions answered with regards to the validity or invalidity of these documents and save the ufologists part of this sixteen thousand dollars. And if he does not trust his source, again he should be able to help the line of the inquiry by adding that point that, these documents might have been fakes and dis-information. Although, this would be rather difficult for him now, but still it is not too late. He should have had this assurity from his source before the publication, and somehow I think he received that from Mr. Moore. But, of course we now know who Moore was and is. Other important point is that if Mr. Good's source has provided him with disinformation, which in return Mr. Good has passed on to ufologists, by the same agent? This we do not know. Assuming that Mr. Good's source IS reliable, again Mr. Good would be the best person to go to in order to find out the 'ORIGINAL SOURCE' of the MJ12 documents, in seeking his assistance, that I am sure he should be glad to offer. How? In the same quiet way that his source provided him with this documents, this agent should be able to give him the supporting evidence. There are various options and methods open to the ufologists to further this investigations. Of course, all these options are dependent on the assumption that Mr. Good has told us the truth. But, if what he has said in some stage is proven to be not the truth, then the honest ufologists are faced yet with another 'Unofficial' MAJESTIC 12 group in their own community which upon their will and well established stance in UFO circles, give us any time they wish bunch of gubbly googs and expect us to swallow. I am not putting any comments about Mr. Good's close ties and links with the elite, official/ unofficial information-emitting circles here. Neither I am passing any judgement about the comments he has made couple of times to one of his close UFO colleagues that 'If I put infront of you solid, concrete evidence to prove to you that UFOs do constitute a serious threat to the national security of U.K., what would you do?' and his fellow colleague's answer that "I would publish it", and Mr. Good's final comment 'Therefore, I can not give you that evidence!' In other words this/these possible evidence is for 'The Eyes Only'. (Bearing in mind that the official stance of Ministry of Defence in U.K. is that UFOs DO NOT constitute any threat to the national security). How has Mr. Good come upon this evidence that so many in UK as yet have failed, is a mystery. I am beginning to believe that for sometimes now the UFO community has been taken for a ride by a bunch of self acclaimed giants of ufology. Some of these inturn are infilterated by official agencies, some others act as double agents. I firmly believe that Moore is not the last and we might see few more heads to roll. Although, I do hope I am wrong. Henry Azadehdel. ================================= EOF =======================================